Total Life Leadership

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3 Words to Refuel Passion for Your Work

For years I had it all wrong.  During the 20 minute drive to the office I'd create a mental checklist of people and issues I was going to have to deal with that day.  It seemed prudent to anticipate the day is such a way.  Twenty-three years of service to the same organization is a lot of trips to the office and a lot of checklists.  I look back now and realize that what I was doing was "armoring up" to face the battles of the day.  

Fast forward to today and I'm traveling a much shorter distance to my home office.  And while I'd shifted from being a leader in an organization to leading my own business, I still found myself making a mental checklist of people and issues to deal with.  Still armoring up.  

Armoring up shifts energy into a negative space. 

We put on armor when we want to protect ourselves.  When we start the day armored up, it's only natural to look for battles.
Battles with clients; battles with vendors; battles with team members; battles with ourselves.

Over time the battles become so exhausting that we forget our passion for the work.
Without passion for the work, it's difficult to be passionate about leading your team or organization.

If your daily checklist routine has you armoring up, I invite you to make a mental shift before generating the next one. 

Instead of asking yourself
"What do I have to deal with today?"

"What do I get to do today?"

It may seem like a subtle shift, but I can tell you from personal experience, it's made a huge difference for me.   

To remind myself, I've attached a sticky note to my computer that says
I Get To . . .

Now, when I walk into my office, my checklist becomes:
I Get To . . .
-solve an accounting problem
-smooth over a strained relationship
-finish some paperwork
-write a proposal

I "Get To" do these things
so that I "Get To"   
-work with incredible team members
-support teams doing amazing work
-support leaders heading up impactful organizations

How's that for an energy shift?  

Thoughts and words are powerful things.  They create energy.  Exhaustive energy and exhilarating energy.
If you're feeling exhausted, as many leaders are today, try a simple shift this week.

Take a sticky note, write on it 
"I Get To . . ." 
and post it in a place where you'll see it everyday.
On your computer; on your steeling wheel; on a bathroom mirror - or all three.
Let me know how it goes. 


Passionate Leadership
is who you're being as you're leading.

About the Author

Gayle Ely is a Leadership Coach, Trainer and Facilitator and founder of Total Life Leadership. At Total Life Leadership, we partner with purpose-driven non-profit leaders and service entrepreneurs to help them answer the question “How Do I Become a Better Leader?”

Using The Six Pillars of Passionate Leadership, we equip leaders to be the best they can be.  The result is a passionate leader whose team and organization are operating for maximum impact.

Explore what’s getting in the way of passion in your leadership. Schedule an exploratory conversation. There is no cost and lots of value.

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View The Six Pillars of Passionate Leadership here.
View The Power of Passionate Leadership Model