Don’t Set Your Goals Until You Ask This Question

Over the past couple of months, as I’ve attended my usual networking meetings, people I’ve met and helped along the way have been thanking me both privately and in public. I’m always surprised and humbled when I hear that I’ve been able to contribute to someone else’s success.

Now, it’s confession time. As I reflected on the positive acknowledgements, I began to think about all the things I haven’t accomplished in my own business this year—and all the things I’ve tried that haven’t worked. And yes, I began to feel sorry for myself.

Since everyone else seems to have benefitted from my help, I wondered to myself, “When is it my turn?” While the question may seem self-serving, it was honest and heartfelt.

When I turned the question to the heavens, I got an immediate answer back in the form of a question -

“What do you want?”

The question stopped me in my tracks. Huh? “What do I want?” Hmmm!! Now there’s a great question!!

As humans, and business owners in particular, we are conditioned to align ourselves to an externally prescribed definition of success. In order to maintain alignment with this type of success, we end up setting head-centered goals.

The reason the question, “What do you want?” stopped me in my tracks is because it spoke to my heart.  

When we’re tapped into the heart, it’s as if our world is a blank canvas. That’s exactly what I experienced when I heard the question. A blank canvas to create whatever I want, whatever my heart desires. 

Before you set the goals that will guide your actions for the new year, create a blank canvas (a poster board, a piece of paper or a new document in your word processing software) and write this question at the top:

“What do I want?”

Express what’s in your heart with words and pictures. Pour it all out without taking time to wonder if it will work. Don’t be afraid. Lean into the magic and mystery of the process.

Then share your canvas with others and ask them to help you make it happen.

I did, and the results have been astounding!   And I’d be delighted to help you get your answer out into the world. Contact me at          


Are You a Passionate Leader?


Gratitude in the Present Moment