IT Doesn’t Have to be Lonely at the Top

As a child I grew up in a bubble.  A bubble in which everyone could see me and I could see them, but there was a thin veil between us. 

You see, my dad was a Pastor and the role of the Pastor's family is to emulate a Godly life.  We believed the congregation had projected their expectation of "perfection" on us and we were happy to oblige. 
And all the while, we knew we were far from perfect. 

This was a set up for staying in the bubble. 
In the bubble we could look the part and not reveal our shortcomings.

Looking back, I realize what a lonely place the bubble can be.

Does this sound familiar to you?

As a former leader in a public sector organization and now as a leader in my own business, I get it.
Over the years I've often projected a confident image and secretly questioned my leadership ability.
And, I've projected an expectation of perfection on myself, although now I refer to myself as a "recovering perfectionist".

So what helped me pierce the lonely leadership bubble?

The simple answer is connection. 
Connecting with someone I trust. 
Someone I can get real with.
Someone who will hold space for me as I give voice to my greatest fears, concerns, hopes and dreams.

That person for me is my Business Success Coach. 
Yes, I am a Coach who has a Coach.    
All the good Coaches have a Coach.

What about you?

As a leader, what if you had someone who could hold both a light to help you illuminate the dark places and a mirror to allow you to see yourself clearly?

And, what if, having made this connection, you could pierce the lonely leadership bubble and be real with those you lead.

Your team wants you to do this.
Your team needs you to do this.
Your organization will be better for you having done it.

Do you have someone in your life with whom you can connect?
Someone who practices non-judgment and has no other agenda than to support you?
Someone with whom you can be completely vulnerable?

If you don't, I invite you to join me in a no-obligation exploratory conversation.   
There is no cost and lots of value. 

Click here to schedule a 30 minute conversation. 

It Doesn't Have to be Lonely at the Top.

About the Author

Gayle Ely is a Leadership Coach, Trainer and Facilitator who believes Passionate Leadership can change the world. She works with business and non-profit leaders and teams to help them perform more effectively so they and their businesses can thrive.

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Explore what’s getting in the way of passion in your leadership. Schedule an exploratory conversation. There is no cost and lots of value.

Schedule your exploratory conversation here.


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