Want Your Team Meetings to be Memorable? Ask Yourself This One Question

Think back over your lifetime of meetings.  What was the absolute best meeting you ever attended?  What made it so memorable?  How can you bring some of that experience to your meetings? 

If you're a Passionate Leader, you focus your energy on actions to positively influence both yourself and others toward a common purpose, vision or desired outcome.

And since team meetings are a necessary part of getting good results, what if your team left the meetings you lead saying to each other,
"More of This Please."

No, not more meetings, but more of this kind of meeting.

Meetings in which pertinent information is exchanged, time is managed effectively, all voices are respected and heard and the path forward is clear.

Before I share the most important question to ask yourself, here are 7 essential meeting planning questions:

1.  What's the purpose of the meeting?
2.  What's the desired outcome of the meeting?
3.  Who is needed in the meeting?
4.  What will be included on the agenda?
5.  How long will your meeting last?
6.  Where will the meeting be held?
7.  What support is needed for the meeting?

Now for the most important question.

How do I need to show up to help achieve the desired meeting outcome? You, as the leader, are the one who creates the meeting experience.  You shape the tone, tenor and energy of every meeting.  The way you lead the meeting is what will be remembered.  

How do Passionate Leaders show up and positively influence meetings?
They set an intention to show up with:

A Deep Appreciation of Themselves and Others
A Dynamic Vision Focus
An Embodied Sense of Trust
A Positive Growth Mindset

With these, they guide their team to
Take Inspired Action
Celebrate Results 

 These are the pillars of Passionate Leadership. 

Whether you are meeting to handle a crisis or to celebrate a win, showing up as a Passionate Leader will make your meeting memorable.

Which of the Passionate Leadership pillars is a challenge for you?

About the Author

Gayle Ely is a Leadership Coach, Trainer and Facilitator who believes Passionate Leadership can change the world. She works with business and non-profit leaders and teams to help them perform more effectively so they and their businesses can thrive.

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