3 Ways to Celebrate Yourself Without Feeling Like a Jerk

You're a leader.  You're a good leader.  You continually focus on support and recognition of others.  But what about you?  Hopefully you have someone who is doing the same for you.  Whether or not you do, it's ok to celebrate yourself.  

Passionate Leadership Pillar #1 is
Deep Appreciation for Self (and Others). 


Appreciation is more than awareness. 

Self awareness is recognizing and understanding who you are.  It's about knowing your strengths, personality and style.    

Self appreciation is about valuing and cherishing who you are.  And what we value and cherish, we celebrate.

Here are 3 ways to celebrate yourself without feeling like a jerk.

1.  Invite Others to Celebrate with You
Rather than simply touting an accomplishment or recognition (or a birthday), invite others to celebrate with you.  Acknowledge their presence and support.  And if they have contributed in any way to what you're celebrating, make it a celebration for them as well.  

2.  Say Thank You

When someone gives you a compliment, avoid the tendency to self deprecate or give credit to others.  Simply say thank you.  Saying thank you acknowledges the other person and allows you to internalize the value others see in you.  Think of it as a micro-celebration.

3.  Create a "Kudos" Container
For a more private celebration, create a folder (electronic or paper) to store texts, emails, handwritten notes, pictures and awards that acknowledge your accomplishments and contributions.  Just the act of putting something in the container is a celebration.  And you can celebrate again and again by returning to the container to read and remind yourself of your value.

Finding ways to celebrate yourself, while maintaining a good balance of confidence and humility, is a great way to create connection with those you lead and nurture your own passionate leadership. 

About the Author

Gayle Ely is a Leadership Coach, Trainer and Facilitator who believes Passionate Leadership can change the world. She works with business and non-profit leaders and service entrepreneurs to help them perform more effectively so they and their businesses can thrive.

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